Harvest Crew Member
Seasonal position june - November
Hours: Mondays and Thursdays, 8am-4pm. Rain or shine. Start and finish time can vary based on temperatures.
Pay: $17/hr starting wage
The best candidate for this job would be enthusiastic about fresh produce, willing to learn, have a positive attitude and enjoy working outdoors. Of course, it’s important to show up reliably and be on time.
Job description:
Three Creeks Farm and Forest is a small, highly diversified farm that produces vegetables, herbs, and flowers for local chefs, grocery stores and floral designers. Everything we do focuses on delivering high quality produce that is grown following organic standards and practices.
This crew member will harvest a variety of crops and bring them to our wash/pack area. Workers can expect to gain experience harvesting lettuce, green kale, tomatoes, fennel, mustard greens, carrots, cucumbers, turnips, fresh herbs and other crops.
A typical day is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. When daily high temperatures are in the mid 90’s and above, we will start earlier and end earlier. We are careful to limit our exposure to high temperatures because worker safety is very important. It is summer in Missouri, so we will be working on hot sunny days as well as muddy rainy days. All breaks, including time for lunch, are paid.
Long sleeves, long pants, closed-toed shoes and a wide-brimmed hat are the best clothes for the job but not necessary.
To Apply:
Email a letter of interest and 2 references to threecreeksproduce@gmail.com
Resumes welcome, but not required